Another Future Product was founded in June 2000 providing computer solutions to home and small business.
Over the course of several years the business shifted it’s client base to local medium sized companies and with ongoing training and increasing experience in the field of Information Technology and telecommunications grew into a success providing professional IT Consultancy services to local companies based in South East Queensland.
There have been a number of one-off ventures over the years to provide unique IT/electronic solutions to a variety of businesses from Software Development firms to Metal Casting Foundries and Business Development and Constructions companies.
I have had my finger in many pies and gained a lot of experience along the way!
It has always been a personal goal to produce a simple and cost effective control unit for my own family, and from a base of university education and this wealth of real world experience I began to achieve this goal with construction, or more appropriately given how it turned out “creation” of the first prototype unit.